Frequently Asked Questions
After School Classes
How does the waitlist work?
We don’t want any little artist to miss out. Classes sometimes fill up fast. When a class is full, simply add your child to the waitlist for that class. We will text or call you as soon as we have an opening, it may be one drop in or the entire session.
Many times it is the day of the class, when we are contacted by a parent that a child is ill. We will pick up your kiddo, and charge the card on file. Please have your account up to date.
A perk of joining the waitlist, you will get early registration before the next session! A special early registration link is sent out to waitlisted to ensure everyone gets an opportunity to make!
How do after school classes work?
Kindergarten and 1st graders are escorted to our room by the teacher. All other grades are expected to walk to our room and sign in.
Please notify your teacher your child is attending.
We all meet up, read a book, share some giggles and then do a project. We introduce a project and allow the child to add their own creative energy and ideas to it. It’s about the making and creativity. Art and Crafts are FUN!
How long is the after school class?
All classes are one hour and 20 minutes after the bell. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are from 2:38-4:00pm, and Tuesdays are 1:38-3:00pm.
Where do we pick up?
Pick up is at the front office gate.
Do you work with STAR?
Yes! Please notify STAR that your child will be attending our class so they don’t pick them up. After class we will send your child to STAR.
Late to Pick up?
Please text or call Sofia to let us know as soon as possible.
After 4:15pm a late fee of $15 for each 15 minutes will be charged for the account on file. If your child is 2nd grade or older you can have us send them to Youth Services. You can get an enrollment form from the office.
Do you offer refunds or make-ups?
Classes are not refundable. Make-up classes are only offered when the child misses the entire day of school. Please call or text as soon as you decide to keep your child home. We can then fill that seat if there is a waitlist. If we fill your seat, we usually refund for that class. However, we cannot guarantee a refund if we cannot fill the seat. If you are refunded, there is no make up.
The make-up class must be used in the same school year, and is only available when there is a seat in a class. Please email Sofia directly to set up your make-up class.
What time does class end on early days?
Classes are one hour and 20 minutes after the bell.
Minimum days school dismissal is at 2:00pm, and our class pick up time is 3:20pm. Shortened days school dismissal is at 1:00pm and our class pick up is at 2:20pm.
My child doesn’t attend Dixie Canyon. Can they still attend your classes?
Absolutely! You will need to coordinate with Sofia to set up drop off details.
Are you an LAUSD program?
We are independent from LAUSD, Dixie Canyon Community Charter PTA and the school. However, we are part of the community and work closely with the office and PTA to support Dixie Canyon CC and our surrounding community. If you have any concerns, please let Sofia know.
Who can attend camp?
Any child ages 5-11 (kindergarten through 5th grade). At this time we are not taking incoming TK students, only incoming kindergarteners.
What is your refund policy?
No refunds after camp as begun. You must cancel 72 hours before camp begins to be refunded camp less the supply fees.
Late to pick up?
Pick up is at 3pm, after 3:15pm a $25/15minutes late fee will be charged. Please call or text if you will be late.